
Enjoying The Little Things

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello Friends!

I was looking through some recent photos I took of my friend's daughter's birthday party and came across these two that just bring a smile to my face.  My youngest loves, LOVES, L-O-V-E-S balloons and balls. He will cry as if his heart is broken if a helium filled balloon escapes his clutches. 

These photos remind me that sometimes it's truly the little things that matter that make you happy in any given moment.  Sometimes I feel bogged down by the reality of being an adult. I daydream of what I would do if I came into Big Money as if that would solve  all my worries and while it would certainly relieve a few, Big Money won't make me become a better person overnight or teach my kids to be impeccably mannered brainiacs.  

These photos remind me that living in the moment and enjoying the little things is happiness. Sometimes it takes a three year old to remind me of this. :-)

Until next time!


  1. hi! I just found you via pinterest and so had a feeling from your board that you had a great blog. What beautiful photography! I can't wait to read more!

  2. Hello! I also found your blog via Pinterest and immediately loved your blog for its content and for your happy photography. Thank you for taking the time to check mine out. Very much appreciated! I look forward to your future posts. :-)


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