
Out and About: Monterey

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hello Friends!

It seems that despite my love of lazy weekends I am rarely home on the weekends for a significant amount of time.  This may explain why I am so exhausted come Monday!  ;-)

We had guests from out of the country recently and so we made some special trips we might not have made otherwise.  Thank goodness for them!  ;-)  I promise to post photos of our guests at a later date. 

We made our way down to Monterey to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium and boy am I glad we did.  It is simply a spectacular place to visit and if you have children please find your way there!  They will love it and love you even more for it! At least that is how our oldest expressed his thanks for taking him there.  ;-) 
After spending several hours at the aquarium we made our way to the beach with a few stops on the way there. 

My oldest was feeling shy.
The boys really enjoyed being in the water. What is it about boys happy in water whether it's in sand or dirt?!  Messy boys make happy boys.  At least that's the case in our house.  :-)

We were able to get a few rare family photos!  :-)

I hope your weekend was equally fabulous and full of adventures!


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